It has also managed to position itself as a global champion for copyright. Dailymotion has entered revenue-sharing deals with many media companies to broadcast their content. This strategy has shown promising results. It has been implementing filtering technology to prevent piracy and has actively been seeking partnerships with content producers. Dailymotion has been taking a series of measures to accommodate rightholders, both before and since the “Joyeux Noël” decision. Looking through the prism of judicial activity gives an incomplete and distorted picture of Dailymotion’s relationship with the media industry. Yet, things might not be as grim as they appear.

In all, Dailymotion can expect protracted legal battles with users of the media industry over copyright issues. It also illustrates the challenges faced by the courts in defining the obligations of websites with regards to copyright infringement. The “Joyeux Noël” case is symptomatic of the resolve of content producers in holding websites accountable for internet piracy. Internet giants Google, YouTube and MySpace also face copyright lawsuits. Dailymotion would find little comfort in the fact that other video-sharing websites have not fared better in France. It has also been sued for copyright infringement by a French comedian and could face another lawsuit from a French television broadcaster. Dailymotion has appealed the decision but face more judicial woes. This controversial decision is worrying as it greatly expands the duties of Dailymotion with regards to piracy. The court asserted that the hosting provider, because it had enabled and thrived on mass piracy, was under a general obligation to implement technical means to prevent unlawful activities. This summer, it was sentenced by a Paris court to pay €23,001 ($33,400) in damages for the copyright infringement of the movie “Joyeux Noël”, an unauthorized copy of which had been made available on the website by an internet user.

Dailymotion, a French video-sharing website, recently received bad news on the judicial front.